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Academic plan 2023/2024

Postgraduate Diploma Courses - Ongoing

1. Strategic Leadership with Ethical Governance – Dr. Nirmal de Silva PhD, FCPM, FABE, FCIM, DBA, MBA, CIMA 

2. Education Policy & Analysis Prof. Arjuna Parakrama BA (Peradeniya), MA (Georgia), PhD (Pittsburgh) 

3. Economic Policy – Dr. Roshan Pereira BA, MA (Colombo), MPA (Harvard), PhD (Melbourne) 

4. Cybersecurity Policy – Mr. Asela Waidyalankara LLB and LLM (RANEPA), BBA (Staffordshire University) 

5. Politics & Governance Dr. Janaki Jayawardene BA (University of Peradeniya) ,M.Phil (University of Peradeniya)​, PhD (University of York)​

Courses & Workshops – 2024

The BALPP’s new, specialized, professional development programs will be led by renowned experts, and they will take students on an immersive and interactive learning journey. These prestigious, advanced certification programs are curated to cater to evolving needs and contemporary issues, both local and global. 

The programs will be meticulously designed to cultivate strategic leadership in each field and to foster innovative & critical thinking in public policy. The courses and workshops will aim to equip professionals, academics, corporates and others, with cutting-edge knowledge, creativity, technical skills and industry-specific understanding, empowering them to navigate complex challenges and drive transformative growth in their respective fields. Participants will engage in a highly interactive manner and the sessions will promote discussion and debate

  • Training Program on AI & STEM Learning for educators 8 sessions – Joint panel between BALPP and SLASSCOM (Sri Lanka Association of Software and Services Companies)
  • Leadership with Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness – 8 weeks – Dr. Randula Samarasinghe, Prof. Saroj Jayasinghe, Prof. Kolitha Sellahewa
  • Artificial Intelligence : Ethics and Governance Policy– 12 weeks – Dr. Subha Fernando, BSc(Hons) (University of Kelaniya), Doctor of Engineering (Nagaoka University of Technology) & Mr. Asela Waidyalankara
  • Executive Education Program on Leadership Acceleration  for Public Sector officials, Academics  & Corporates-  12 weeks – Dr. Nirmal De Silva 
  • Expert Training Sessions on Climate Resilience Policy formulation – 12 weeks –  Prof. Buddhi Marambe M.Agr. and D.Agr. (Hiroshima Univ of Japan) B.Sc. (Peradeniya). & Dr. Rohan Pethiyagoda (University of Sussex), BSc (University of London). Read more about them here.

Students will learn of policies for proactive adaptation, mitigation strategies, and methods for safeguarding communities and ecosystems against multiple climate challenges.

  • A Masterclass on Sri Lanka’s Journey from Economic Darkness: An Inside View – 10 weeks – Mr. Deshal de Mel, BA (PPE-Oxford University), MSc (London School of Economics). Read more about Mr. de Mel.

Participants will be taken through a step-by-step understanding of how policy trade-offs  were navigated to reach economic stability, since April 2022. 

  • Specialized Professional Development initiative on Policies For Affordable and Quality Healthcare – 10 weeks – Dr. Ravi Rannan-Eliya MBBS, MSc (Cambridge). Read more about Dr. Rannan-Eliya. 

Participants will engage in health care policy formulation with strong community focus, and adaptability of health policy in economically challenging situations. 

  • Gen Z Leaders – 16 Weeks – In person –  Mr. Asela Waidyalankara 

Course targeting 18-30 years,  on how to navigate leadership challenges when climbing the corporate ladder, personal branding, building relationships and negotiating difficult scenarios in and out of office. The Course would cover Digital Transformation, AI understanding, overview of Cybersecurity and information security. This would be an advanced version of the YLA program conducted by the BCIS 2022. 

  • Advanced Policy Discussions on Transforming Tertiary Education: Access, Affordability, Quality – Eight Weeks – Prof. Arjuna Parakrama BA (Peradeniya), MA (Georgia), PhD (Pittsburgh)

Participants will engage in discussing newer tertiary education models and their applicability low income countries. 

  • Professional Skill-enhancement Course on Teachers & Technology: Improving Impact of Education Delivery – Eight weeks – Ms. Kavindya Thennakoon BA (Wellesley College, USA), MA (Stanford University). Read more about Ms. Thennakoon.  

The role of technology in the teaching profession and it’s positive impact on education delivery will be discussed in the context of resource-poor countries and those with a digital divide. 

  • Advanced Workshop Series – Understanding Root Causes of Conflict for Reconciliation and Non- Recurrence – Eight weeks – Ms. Sarah Kabir MSc (LSE), BSc (Bristol). Read more about Ms. Kabir.

These workshops will examine the most complex and sensitive issues connected to the 30 year conflict and will focus on strategies for non-recurrence of similar situations. 

  • Special Course on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy  12 weeks – Dr Thilini U Ariyadasa PhD Read more about her here.

Explore salient considerations in formulation of national policy for science, technology and innovation for developing a sound policy framework geared towards socio-economic growth &  development of SL.  Recognizing the key role of science and technology in development of products and processes for the global market, building  technical expertise and infrastructure,  value-addition to a nation’s natural resources, and incorporation of novel technologies for the sustainable development. Enhancing the research and development (R&D), building  human resources in STEM fields  and improving the quality of/access to education to enhance the scientific literacy amongst the general population. 

  • Executive Development Workshop – Essential Leadership Toolkit   – One day – Dr. Nirmal De Silva.

Students will learn essentials of strategic thinking, skillful decision-making, art of negotiation, managing complex scenarios and mitigating challenges with effective communication & building interpersonal relationships. 

  • Specialized, Industry-Intensive workshop in Digital Transformation Leadership   – One day – Mr. Asela Waidyalankara.
  • Master Class onIntroduction  to Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Principles’   – One day – May 2024 –  co-conducted by Ms  Emaali Gunasekera  (MSc, BSc) Co-Founder Sustain Global Consulting & Dr Nirmal De Silva.

Exclusive Online Courses

Public Leadership Credential BALPP

Aiming to be a  global thought leader in leadership education & public policy, the BALPP welcomes learners from all countries to join it’s academic programs. Since many students  will not be able to attend  onsite  courses in Colombo, the PLC program is delivered exclusively online. This program has been developed on the lines of the Harvard Public Leadership Credential (https://www.hks.harvard.edu/educational-programs/public-leadership-credential) and will equip learners in Sri Lanka and around the world with skills and knowledge needed to understand and manage some of the biggest challenges we face today. (Duration 8-10 weeks, October/November 2024)

Course Director : Dr Gehan Gunatileka DPhil (Oxford), LLM (Harvard), MSc (Oxford), LLB (Colombo) Read more about him here.

- The second batch of the five PGDs will commence in September/October 2024

- We are open to Customized Executive Education Programs suited for your institution's needs.

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